YOOooooo! Staying busy and drawing a whole lot! I feel real fortunate to be running the figure session over here are the studio, so I'm trying my best to take full advantage! Nothing's better than being in front of a great model with sweet music cranked! Most of these are from live models - some from photos to warm up in the mornings.
Austin is so crazy!
take care!!!
*edit: added a drawing up top!
spaceman and nun are my favorites man! happy you found a good place to practice what you love homie! hope to get back out there soon
Awesome stuff Francis! Keep cranking away!
Beautiful studies. We're all fortunate to be around TAD and those that it attracts to our areas.
This $H!t is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
Wow dude, these are really, really nice.
You're improving... even more! Great to see this, your work is inspiring.
My oh my these are awesome.
Man, that's awesome, the pregnant woman looks really good!!!
Awesome drawings!
I love everything here.
These are thumbs sir!
really grand man
very nice growth man. Your life drawing is very strong
mind= blown.
Mucho respect Francis. Cant wait for the next post.
Francis! You glorious bastard. These are amazing. Thanks for sharing ;)
Eyes on the second study are incredible! (and all of the others) Niiiice!
I laughed out loud when I saw these drawings man. They made me so happy!
bravo man
Wow so much good stuff here. That Goon is incredible, my favorite.
The first and second ones are killer works! the eyes on the second, just pure beauty!
Great to see your life drawings again! These are fantastic!
Thanks for the kind words everyone! Appreciate it!
Outstanding drawings! Love every one of them.
Dude Francis, that third pic of yours the one of the girl... looks an awfully a lot like me when I'm not smiling.
Wonderful work.
incredible job, I'm your fan number one !
Looking sweet man. I love the use of shadows and how you can see the depth of form in your light areas.
Thank you for sharing
This fabulous work with us
Good creations
Thanks a ton!
Hey you've probably seen this but just in case you haven't: http://www.pixelovely.com/tools/gesture.html
It's handy if you don't have a model to work with. I like it better than posemaniacs.
Nina, that is a really awesome resource. Thanks for posting that!
Your studies are so flawless, Francis! *pat on the back*
Beautiful head studies, buddy. Very nice.
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