Illustration Academy .... NEW SITE!!!

Just found out that the new Illustration Academy site went live! It's flippin awesome! Make sure to check it out. Even if you can't attend (which I highly recommend you do), there are tons of great videos and podcasts to scope. The blog is very cool too, with recent work by George Pratt and all the instructors. If anything check out the podcasts by Bren....I mean Academy Guy..haha!




Unknown said...

is it you playing the soldier for George Pratt?

Saskia said...

nice link, thanks a lot!

dadu shin said...

yea! great new site, a lot of new cool things. Academy Guy was an interesting addition haha.

OYO! said...

Thanks a lot Francis ! I recently discovered your works and your a constant inspiration since then. Invaluable link and podcasts. Thanks for sharing.


Cody Miles said...

cool, thanks for posting that!

Will Ralston said...

Hey, whats up man? Whens the Thesis show? Its gonna be big night yeah yeah.