Process Work!

As promised (only 2 months late) here is some of the process work for a painting that I am working on. There are inconsistencies and differing levels of finish between the various images, mainly because I keep reworking the image.

The top image is what I'm basing the final painting off of. That image was frankenstein-ed from the original drawing on paper. There were a few problems with the drawing - perspective, value, etc - that I cut and pasted it back together in Photoshop. The finished image will be used as a mock front and back book cover, which is what the 2nd and 3rd images represent. It is taking an interesting mind set to make the image work as a full spread, but also as two individual pictures.

Lastly I included the color studies, a character study, and the line art that was projected onto the canvas. This has been a very educational process, and I look forward to sharing the final piece!! Always open to crits!

take care,

**edit: replaced line drawing with reworked version.  I think the new additions really helped the composition?**


Eric Braddock said...

Yo, Francis! the process is looking awesome. I'm especially digging the study of the man. Some awesome marks in that one. Good luck on the finish, I'm sure it'll turn out great.

Topher said...

the sense of light in the first image is wonderful, something about that pot in and pan of what looks like bars (we call them 'bars' in Minnesota) is just convincing. Really looking forward to the final!

Craig said...

I just read the book "Rockwell on Rockwell" and it was really helpful to get into the mind of the grand master himself (go figure). Your process reminds me a lot of his, and for that I say well done! Have you read it?

Robb said...

Piece looks great-
Thanks for sharing the process on it - fun to see.
Only thing that came to mind is a post I saw over on GurneyJourney a while back:

You've already got this going on pretty much everywhere, but I feel like you could push it around the FG lady's hands/face for some added clarity.

Anyways, love it and can't wait for final!!!

Aldo said...


Saskia said...

wow, it's so interesting to see the progress, I totally love the two colour studies! you are so freaking good, I'm adding you to my reader :D

Andrew Olson said...

the values duke, the values

Anonymous said...

So neat! The finished product will be Magnificent!!! EMV

Francis Vallejo said...

Craig: yeah that book is my bible! I aspire to do anything at a Rockwell level!?

Robb: thanks man! Yeah that could really help. Great little touch that makes such a difference!

Frame Theory said...

Lookin' good. I'm feelin' the cool color study a little more. You gotta be an ambitious dude to do a character study of someone in the background. Props!

It's looking great! Great composition on the cover!

Shawn Escott said...

Very nice! The piece is coming along beautifully. Wonderful value studies and I see in the color versions you are playing around with warm verses cool lighting, awesome! Always inspiring sir.

stephen erik schirle said...

nice, those color studies are great!

orange said...

Your work is incredible !!

Craig said...

Yeah his color studies are the greatest! You'll get it eventually :D

dadu shin said...

ah there it is! i was actually gonna say the same that Robb was saying about the hands as i get lost a little bit in the left hand area. This looks like its shaping out to be an amazing amazing piece, cant wait!