Katia Wish is awesome. She just sent me a link to a very complete gallery of Ilya Repin's work. Especially cool to check out all the studies he did for his major pieces. The man was thorough.

Anyways enjoy!!! Follow the link here!!!!


ps. This is the art nerd in me talking....but Rockwell and Repin were working at the same time roughly (1920s)...I wonder if they knew of each other. Can you image a collab piece between those two masters? An "Ilya Rockwell" or a "Norman Repin" if you will. But what if they really did create that painting but it's been lost!? But I digress.....haha

pps. Also check out the Zorn and Serov sections from the same site!:


A. Riabovitchev said...

What a fantastic link!Real tresure!Thanks Francis to share it!:o)

Stuart Ruel said...

Oh man, I'm going to be on here for ages! Thanks great post!

Vincent Nappi said...

Excellent stuff. What a link.

Frame Theory said...

The gallery is great! Thanks for sharing

Nate Woeber said...

The link is Awesome! I really like Anders Zorn's work, Thanks!

A. Riabovitchev said...

Did you realize your plan to go to St Petersburg?:o)

Ivan the terrible said...

some interesting .. maybe you have repin's gallery like this only more