Man what a good time this piece was! It was originally began for a comic pitch. Unfortunately halfway through drawing it out, the project was cancelled. So on my free time I wrapped it up.

I hope to throw some color on it in the future. Speaking of that...would folks be interested in a limited run screen-print release of this piece? I've always wanted to release a print like that and work with a printer. Let me know in the comments.


ps. The text near the asterix is a little tough to read. It says:

*In 2012, a catastrophic solar flare decimated earth's atmosphere. The sun's rays are now lethal to all living creatures.....except Mathew.


Anonymous said...

While your lines are absolutely beautiful, my only complaint is that I sometimes find your frames a bit too "busy" to read well. Nonetheless, would love to see some comic work in print from you.

Kyle Latino said...

Um, that is gorgeous. I would get a print of it for sure!

Kendra Melton said...

Nice work man. I think the panels read fine as long as you read the text accompanying them. They aren't what I would call quick reads, but they bring you in making you want to see all the little details in each one. I'm really strapped for cash out here but I wish you luck with a possible print run! Keep up the great work :]

Diego Freyre said...

amazing! keep it up. agree with the print thing.

have a question
how did you get the reference for the frame with mathew and the other 2 guys. (the one with the camera over their heads.)

Scribbler said...

Beautiful work. I like busy panels where you can revisit and pick up new details on each reading. Fantastic inking and composition.

Unknown said...

yup - great stuff. intense detail - What size did you draw this at originally?

Charlie G. said...

Wow-- this is an amazing piece of art. I could look at this for hours.

Dominic Bugatto said...

Great page.

Your comic work certainly merits being published. One of the major publishers would stupid to not give you an opportunity.

francisvallejo said...

Diego: I used Sketchup with basic geometry to figure out the shot and perspective. I shot my own reference for the figures.

spareskellington: 22x30

It is a busy page. I have a top notch colorist throwing some color on top of it, which I'm sure will help clarity. But I make a large effort to have the panels be very clear in the ink stage, but I do agree, some of the panels got a little silly with detail. Thanks for the crit.

Alex Berki said...

BALLLIN BALLIN BALLIN!!!! A thousand times over!!! Great stuff thanks for shellin out some inspiration Francis.

P.S.> I'd be down for some prints

Jesse Winchester said...

Incredible work Francis.
LOVE you blog. Between your work and your posting of such incredible inspirations as Repin, I keep comin back....

Keep at it!

Frame Theory said...

yo nice piece!

Unknown said...

Amazing page!

David Apatoff said...

That's a nice, intense black and white piece-- very strong. I don't think the individual "busy" panels detract from the over all design.

I'd be afraid that color would only dilute the impact, but I look forward to seeing what you have in mind.

Anonymous said...

This black and white panel is fascinating. I wish that I could make it large enough to see all the detail.
There is a tremendous amount of draftsmanship and pen and ink work in the panels. What did you originally do the panel for? Pen and ink is my favorite media because it is so graphic. I love well honed comics because the art work is off the scale. I’m a big fan of Roy Lichtenstein’s stuff in art galleries and museums . I love Stan Lee’s comics. I read your caption, *In 2012, a catastrophic solar flare decimated earth's atmosphere. The sun's rays are now lethal to all living creatures.....except Mathew. This gives me a thought that the panel was conceived as a 2012 scenario on the only living creature left on earth as an immortal. That would give the screaming sound of silence a whole new meaning. You really have created a piece of thought provoking, fantastic art!