Camel and rider studies for a new painting. Ballpoint pen and pencil. Sorry for all the process work lately and no finals. I literally have a stack of pieces waiting to be finished/tweaked once the academy is finished. Expect them to be posted soon(ish).

take care!

14 comments: said...

so inspiring man!

Tyler Schatz said...

arent camels a blast to draw? love it homie as always

Dustin d'Arnault said...

now that's drawing!!!

Ericka said...


I'm not liking the sound of that.

Love your line.

yigi chang said...

oooo camel! i want one, but a mean one that spits on people! you've got cool stuff on ur blog!

Anonymous said...

TOPPI-esque, nice.

LuisNCT said...

I like them a lot! Very descriptive lines and simple shadows

Kyle T. Webster said...

Hey, Francis -

these are lovely drawings.

Something about the camel at the bottom right reminds me of an AT-AT from Star Wars.

Francis said...

love your process work. keep them coming! said...

I was gonna say! very Sergio Toppi.

I could look at these all day

TREY BRYAN said...

hey man, you what a tissue?

cause these are SICK!

-Trey B

Alexis Barattin said...

are you kidding, i LOVE looking your process work, maybe even more than at your finals! not that those aren't great, too, but there's something about process and sketches that really gets me.

Jane said...

Super cool! Not too many camels in SRQ to ref. The orientalists did some neat painting of silk road type stuff, but mostly very traditional.

Can't wait to see you in KC! We'll have a blast.


Sam Egenes said...

man these are amazing