
Hey folks. I've been making my images too unnecessarily  complicated lately, so for one of the last assignments at the academy I'm doing a simple-ish image of two rams butting heads. The point of it is to illustrate the sound that is made by the action. So when you look at the final piece you should be able to hear the crunch of the two animals hitting each other. I did a few thumbnails, so I thought I would ask the blogger-verse what ones  they feel are the most successful? I'll be doing a monotype for the final, and hopefully a large oil when I have a little time after the academy ends.

But I look forward to your thoughts! Their is a tiny green number above each thumb. Sorry it's a little hard to read.

take care,


Bryce McGovern said...

First impression is the bottom right image is most successful. I feel showing the rocks really pushes the sound we all recognize, plus the trickling og the falling pepples. Everything is rugged, hard surfaced, and rough to the touch, plus I think of two rocks hitting each other when the majority of the piece of taken up by that type of surface.

Sarah Watts said...

1,9,12. I think 12 is the best because of the intensity of catching them fighting on cliff's edge. It makes is super impactful, rocks flying into foreground, etc. Also with the camera catching the action in almost cropped view makes it feel like the fight is so intense that the camera can't keep up.

:):) Watts

These all kick ass though. 1 is super cool composition-feel like you're catching them in wild doing there animal things, and they don't know you're there. 9 is unique idea in composition.

Kendra Melton said...

#1 stands out for me but mainly due to the weighting and strong contrast
I'm drawn more to the ones where the animals are toward the top of the image and when they're not perfectly centered.

Overall with these I think #12 is the most successful with what you're trying to achieve. Maybe play with variations to see what ground level works best and the positions of the animals.

Could be cool, put possibly tricky with a monotype, to make it during winter so you can play with the steaming breath.

Good luck in your decisions. I'm sure it'll turn out great! :]

Paul Robot Cunha said...

I would say the ones were the rams have not hit yet are the most successful. I feel once there touching you have already missed the sound of the crunch but the the ones were they haven't hit gives you a felling that there going to hit and then you hear the crunch. Just my thoughts.

Francis said...

These are all great sketches with good contrast in value! I like 12 and 6 the most, but 12 stands out to me more. Visually its more simple which lets you think about the other senses such as sound. Haha I don't know. #12 from my gut feeling.

Alexis Barattin said...

when i saw the first one i actually winced. i REALLY like the last one as well, that is a seriously daring composition.

Alexis Barattin said...

mcgovernment made a really good point about the association between the rock and the sound.

Ericka said...

Yup, 12.

Adam Tamte Volker said...

#12 and #1 seem the loudest to me. I think it's because those images are more displaced and off-kilter. I am not a fan of the other compositions...they feel to regular. #1 makes me uncomfortable, and I think that strengthens it, but I like #12 better.

Cool stuff man

have a nice day.

Joel said...

As far as illustrating the sound, number 1 stands out to me. I like the fact that the viewing angle is from a distance (almost like one of those documentary shots) You can almost hear the crunching echos reverberating off of the rocks. The position of the rams creates a point of tension right between their heads (almost like two playing cards leaning against each other). I think if you get the twist of the body positions right and emphasize the movement with some loose rocks it could work well.

As others have said, I think 12 could work too Especially if you are looking to really simplify. It has a good composition for an interesting print.

-Joel G

Unknown said...

12 francis,
elegant and strong composition!
can't wait to see the oil one!

Kenn said...

Yeah I think 12 too - the comp is really strong and rugged (as i think someone else mentioned). Great project too, you can never improve too much - might try it for myself!

Andrew R. Wright said...
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Andrew R. Wright said...

I was looking at them on my phone before and now that I see them on my monitor I am definitely going with #4.

It has the chance to be really epic. The battle of two titans. The vast sky makes the sound echo forever. Getting into the clouds with the monotype process would be really fun.

With #12 there is no room for the noise to travel. The ground muffles it.

Seriously, #4!!

francisvallejo said...

you guys are flippin sweet!!! thanks! A ton of great points were brought up. I'm going to pick up the plexi soon and get crankin. Stay tuned for the final.


LuisNCT said...

For me the betters are the first and the last (#1 and #12)


Francis- I'm in love with 11 & 12 but I FEEL the impact the most on 5 because of the shape of the goats (bad comp though).

In 11 I feel the pause of the goats in the air, then Crunch!

12 is more about the earth-rumbling echo.

Sean said...

2 or 8. straightforward, to the point, strong composition. lots of people are saying 12 but i think the composition is trying too hard. i dont think the negative space of the cliff or mountain does anything to make it more forceful.
love your work by the way man. awesome stuff.

Adam Paquette said...

hey dude :) i love 12 also like the others,
however im putting in another vote for 4. There is something about the little marks above the rams - a sort of 'bent wedge' shape contrasted with the clouds that works for me. It may be hard to translate this up from the thumb so 12 is a safe choice, but there is something about 4 - i think the contrast of hard on soft - that reads as a 'crack' sound to me. Awesome project! G'luck.

laurghita said...

None of those have sound, tough 8 is the closest one, some show the action before the sound, others are exactly when sound just build up... 8 its like an after hit posture and the area its already filed with the sound or his echoes if is a mountain shot...

Frame Theory said...

I like 7. The atmospheric perspective. Nice feel of foreground middleground and background. Go with 7!

Francis Vallejo said...

thanks guys!!!

Rich Pellegrino said...

I like #1's composition the best on a purely aesthetic basis. for what you're going for though i'd say i feel the impact and hear the loudest wack on #4. can't wait to see what you come up with!

robobop said...

hmmm i like 12 also .. I get a stronger feeling of the impact. I think its because the shapes of the picture get smaller to that point of impact, creating that feeling of pow! Also the off balance creates a dynamic movement. But they're all great!

Hethe Srodawa said...

Well, for what it's worth I'm going to disagree with 12 and say 1 or 11, 1 being my favorite. I don't hear the sound without a good amount of 'air' around the heads for it to 'echo' through and 12 is just so cramped up there it 'sounds' muffled to me. 1 has that nice white area for the impact to bounce around in and all the diagonals just crackle on their own for my ears. This type of thing is pretty subjective so good luck in your decision. Great variety in your thumbs man. I dig it.

Keith Alvarado said...

i like em. Im really diggin 12 though i can hear the echo pouring down the cliff. more intense too and monotype tech. would be perfecect for that cliff wall.

Jason Barnes said...

9 and 12. the negative space of 12 is killer. the cliff side fight is terrifyingly epic. plus the offset horizon gives it an incredible amount of motion.

Anonymous said...
