the studio

Recently took a shot of my studio aka the lab aka the dungeon aka the imagination station (ok that last one was bad). A bunch of things being painted in various states of finish. I spend a lot of time here so I actually made an effort to make it a place I'd enjoy in comparison to the tiny grey box I lived in at Ringling's dorms. I don't know how I worked in those things for 5 years..haha?

But in the future I think I need a space like Mr. Sargent's:

Hope to have some finals up soon.
take care,


Anonymous said...

Hey Francis: Sargent's studio doesn't have the character yours has! Take care EMV

Adam Tamte Volker said...

nice plants

Unknown said...

"But in the future I think I need a space like Mr. Sargent's"

Don't we all....

Nice studio though!

Dustin d'Arnault said...

Volker those plants are fake don't let him fool you!

Dylan Forman said...


Diantres said...

oh yeah Goad!

interesting paintings in your studio, i currently have my headphones, contact lenses, a fly swatter and a bad drawing in my drawing table... damn i need to work more traditional.

Cheers from Chile Francis!

Craig said...

I see you have managed to come in contact with the Ramon Casas book. Fantastic! May I ask where you purchased it?

Kelly Tudor said...

what do you mean "that last one was bad"?!" i like the imagination station lol it stays. :) good luck man, hope you're doin well. nice grad speech by the way.


Eric Braddock said...

Great space you have there, man! And yeah I think back to my little desk and 5x5 working space at school.. I have no clue how I managed that, even this room I'm in now isn't enough space! I need a warehouse, I tell you. I'm sure you understand this.

RAWLS said...

haha... who wouldn't want a studio like his! Nice to see your work space my friend!

Shawn Escott said...

Nice studio man! Lots of great work you got happening there :) Do you find that a white studio gives you lots of glare? Hey, I heard on your Sidebar interview you like Rockwell. Check this out:

Ricardo Betancourt said...

Hey Francis, just heard you're going to Russia in an interview. I'm so exited for you and a bit envious. But more exited. ja,ja

Marco Bucci said...

great! The painting of the laundry room scene is looking fantastic.
And yeah, Sargent knew how to live.

ivan said...

Is that a big ole can of house paint under that first eisle? What have you used that for? I noticed the Ramon Casas book too. Congratz on finding it.