Recently took a shot of my studio aka the lab aka the dungeon aka the imagination station (ok that last one was bad). A bunch of things being painted in various states of finish. I spend a lot of time here so I actually made an effort to make it a place I'd enjoy in comparison to the tiny grey box I lived in at Ringling's dorms. I don't know how I worked in those things for 5 years..haha?
But in the future I think I need a space like Mr. Sargent's:
Hope to have some finals up soon.
take care,
Hey Francis: Sargent's studio doesn't have the character yours has! Take care EMV
nice plants
"But in the future I think I need a space like Mr. Sargent's"
Don't we all....
Nice studio though!
Volker those plants are fake don't let him fool you!
oh yeah Goad!
interesting paintings in your studio, i currently have my headphones, contact lenses, a fly swatter and a bad drawing in my drawing table... damn i need to work more traditional.
Cheers from Chile Francis!
I see you have managed to come in contact with the Ramon Casas book. Fantastic! May I ask where you purchased it?
what do you mean "that last one was bad"?!" i like the imagination station lol it stays. :) good luck man, hope you're doin well. nice grad speech by the way.
Great space you have there, man! And yeah I think back to my little desk and 5x5 working space at school.. I have no clue how I managed that, even this room I'm in now isn't enough space! I need a warehouse, I tell you. I'm sure you understand this.
haha... who wouldn't want a studio like his! Nice to see your work space my friend!
Nice studio man! Lots of great work you got happening there :) Do you find that a white studio gives you lots of glare? Hey, I heard on your Sidebar interview you like Rockwell. Check this out:
Hey Francis, just heard you're going to Russia in an interview. I'm so exited for you and a bit envious. But more exited. ja,ja
great! The painting of the laundry room scene is looking fantastic.
And yeah, Sargent knew how to live.
Is that a big ole can of house paint under that first eisle? What have you used that for? I noticed the Ramon Casas book too. Congratz on finding it.
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